Aircel has announced new special Data and calling pack of Rs. 76 and Rs. 86 for prepaid users. However you'll have to use the Aircel mobile app to make the recharge.
The Rs. 76 pack will give 1GB of 3G data with a validity of 10 days. Additionally, Aircel will also offer free 100MB free data on data recharge pack of Rs. 50 and above.
The Rs. 86 pack offers full talk time and for customers downloading the Aircel app for the first time, will get an additional 100MB of free data.
The Aircel app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and Apple app store. The app also offers benefits like data loan and main balance recharge options.
It appears that the Aircel's latest data and calling pack is targeted to encourage its customers to make recharges online or through the app. Aircel's latest offer does not have anything special, compared to tariff plans offered by rival telecom operators, but it will be welcomed by Aircel customers who have been waiting for attractive call and data plan.