Intex recently launched its first Android Nougat smartphone, the Aqua Q4 priced at Rs. 4,199. Now it is expanding the Aqua series line-up with the launch of two new Nougat powered smartphone namely Aqua Zenith and Aqua Crystal Plus. Both are budget smartphones with dual-SIM slots and 4G VoLTE support.
The Aqua Crystal+ sports a premium design sporting Glass back finish painted in Black. It comes with 5-inch HD display and is powered by 1.25GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6737 processor paired with Mali T720 GPU and 2GB RAM. The storage capacity on-board is 16GB, which can be expanded via microSD card.
For photography, it has 13MP f/2.0 rear camera with LED flash and 5MP front facing camera. It is fueled by 2100mAh battery and has hybrid dual-SIM slots, which means, the second SIM slot can accept either a microSD card or nano SIM.
The Aqua Zenith offers entry-level specs including 5-inch FWVGA display with screen resolution of 480 x 854 pixels, 1.1GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6737M processor, 1GB RAM and 8GB internal storage. There's a microSD card slot for storage expansion (up to 128GB). It comes with 5MP rear camera with LED flash and 2MP front facing camera. A 2000mAh battery runs the show.
The Intex Aqua Crystal+ is priced at Rs. 6,799 and is available exclusively from Amazon India, while the Aqua Zenith costs 4,999, and will be available via offline retail stores across the country in Classy Gold and Black colors.