Qualcomm has announced two new Snapdragon 6XX series chips — Snapdragon 630 and Snapdragon 660 — successors of Snapdragon 626 and Snapdragon 653, which is designed to improve performance and connectivity, enhance photography and provide longer battery life. Qualcomm says, the new Snadragon 600-tier platform gets high-end features found on the higher Snapdragon 800-tier including Qualcomm Kyro CPU, Spectra Camera ISP and Hexagon Vector eXtensions.
The new Snapdragon 660 and 630 Mobile Platforms are based on 14nm FinFET manufacturing process.
The Snapdragon 660 is the first 600-tier SoC to feature a Kyro CPU that promises 20% better performance compared to Snapdragon 653. It has eight Kyro CPU cores clocked at 2.2GHz and the GPU on-board is Adreno 512, which is said to be 30 percent faster than Snapdragon 653's Adreno 510.
The platform supports up to QHD display, up to 8GB RAM, up to 16MP + 16MP dual cameras, Qualcomm Hexagon 680 DSP, Qualcomm All-Ways Aware, WiFi 802.11ac Wave 2, 2x2 MIMO, Bluetooth 5.0, Snapdragon X12 LTE modem (offers up to 600Mbps of download speed), TruSignal Adaptive antenna tuning and USB 3.1.
The Snapdragon 630 Mobile Platform includes eight cortex-A53 CPU cores clocked at 2.2GHz and Adreno 508 GPU. It supports for up to QXGA (2048 x 1536 pixels) display, up to dual 13MP cameras, up to 8GB RAM, X12 LTE modem, Bluetooth 5.0, USB 3.1, Hexagon DSP and All-Ways Aware support.
They are fitted with 14-bit Qualcomm Spectra 160 ISP, that helps improve photography by producing more natural skin tones.. The camera ISP also supports low-light photography, 4K video capture, optical zoom, dual pixel auto-focus, improved video stabilization, bokeh effect, true-to-life colors for vivid photos for higher throughput on smartphones with dual-cameras.
Both Snapdragon 630 and 600 Mobile Platform support Qulcomm's latest Quick Charge 4.0, which promises to offer up to five hours of talk time with just five minutes of charging and up to 50 percent battery life with just 15 minutes of charging. They also support Qualcomm's mobile security which offer advance biometric authentication technologies including fingerprint scanning, iris scanning, facial recognition and voice prints.
The Snapdragon 660 platform is available now for OEMs while the Snapdragon 630 platform is expected to ship towards the end of this month.