In a bid to increase its offline presence in India, Xiaomi has opened its first Mi Home, an exclusive offline retail store in Bengaluru, where customers will be able to experience and purchase Mi and Redmi products. The store is located at Phoenix Market City Mall, Whitefield in Bengaluru, and will open for the public starting next Saturday, May 20, 2017.
The brand's first Mi Home store in Bengaluru will showcase Xiaomi products including smartphones, fitness bands, air purifiers, power banks, headphones, speakers as well as other products launched in the country. However, in the upcoming stores, Xiaomi plans to showcase products not sold in the country like TV, rice cooker, electric bicycles, rice cookers and more. These stores will have bigger experience zones.
Xiaomi is also guaranteeing to tackle "out of stock" problem and promises that Mi Home store will stock everything, the company has on offer in India. Moreover, in case a product from Xiaomi's Indian portfolio is not available or out-of-stock on the store, customers will get an F-code to purchase the same product online on website. In addition, interested customers can pre-book Xiaomi's phones online (Mi India website) by paying an advance of Rs. 1,000, and they can pick their devices from the store.
After Bengaluru, Xiaomi plans to open Mi Home store in Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Chennai in the coming months. It also plans to open 100 Mi Homes across the country in the next two years.