Following the release the affordable Pixi 4 (7) budget tablet in India, Alcatel today launched a new tablet called A3 10. It has been priced at Rs. 9,999, and will be available exclusively on Flipkart. The tablet runs Android Nougat and offers voice calling capabilities, thanks to 4G LTE support. It also houses a SIM slot.
The Alactel A3 10 features 10.1-inch display bearing a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels, and is powered by 1.1GHz quad-core MediaTek MT8735B processor with 2GB RAM. On-board storage is 16GB, which can be expanded via microSD card.
Other features include 5MP rear camera, 2MP front camera, dual speakers with Arkamys audio and 4600mAh battery, rated to deliver up to eight hours on mixed usage.
The Alcatel A3 10 comes in Volcano Black color, and has a 3D textured back.