Fujifilm has launched a new budget instant camera in India called Instax mini 9 for Rs. 5,999. It will be available from both online and offline channels across the country in five fashionable colors option including Flamingo Pink, Lime Green, Cobalt Blue, Smoky White and Ice Blue.
The Instax mini 9 features a selfie mirror (near camera lens), to check your framing; attachable close-up lens, for capturing high quality close-ups; and a high-key mode that enables users to take brighter photos, with a softer impression.
The camera offers two element camera lens and a shutter speed of 1/60 seconds. It also has an flash, that fires every time you take a photo. It utilizes Fuji’s Instax mini film cartridges to print 62 x 46mm sized photos. Each cartidge hold 10 films, and there's a counter at the rear of the camera, that how how many films are left.
The Instax mini 9 uses two AA-size 1.5V alkaline batteries, which can take about 100 photos. It takes about 90 seconds to develop a film.