Earlier this month Motorola released the mid-range Moto Z2 Play in the US, followed by India soon after. Now it appears, that Moto is all set to unveil the flagship device of the 2017 line of Moto Z series, the Moto Z2.
Motorola has scheduled an event of June 27, and shared a teaser image of it. In the teaser image, a model is holding a phone with slim design and dual-rear camera setup placed inside circular camera bump, indicating it is the Moto Z2. Moreover, the device in the image is in line with previously leaked render, that showed the dual-rear camera, and the flash module below it.
Like the Moto Z2 Play, Moto Z2 will also have a semi-modular design, and support for all Moto Mods launched till date. It is most likely to be powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 835 Mobile Platform, run Android 7.1.1 Nougat, and expected to feature 5.5-inch QHD display and 4GB RAM.
The brand is also expected to announce Moto Z2 Force, which is a rugged version of Moto Z2. It packs the same specs as Moto Z2 but sports ShatterShield display technology, making the display of the device shatter proof.
Aside from the June 27 event, Motorola has also scheduled an event on June 21 in Brazil to launch the Moto E4 & E4 Plus (both were announced globally recently, so it's probably local launch). It is also rumored to unveil Moto X4 on June 30.