Earlier this month Huawei's sub-brand Honor launched the Honor 8 Pro in India. Alongside, the brand also announced the Honor Band 3 fitness tracker as well without revealing the price and availability details.
Now the wearable has been officially launched in the country, and Honor has outed the pricing and availability details. It has been priced at Rs. 2,799 and will be available through Amazon India starting July 21 in Dynamic Orange, Classic Navy Blue and Carbon Black colors.
The Honor Band 3 features 0.91-inch OLED display and is equipped with a heart rate sensor for continuous heart rate tracking with increased accuracy. It can track fitness activities like distance traveled, steps taken, calories burned, sleep monitoring, along with displaying notifications for calls, messages, social media alerts and reminders from compatible Android (v 4.4 KitKat & up) and iOS (v. 8.0 and above) devices. It pairs with devices through Bluetooth 4.2.
The fitness tracker has Smart alarm clock vibrations that wake you up without disturbing others. It is water resistant for up to 50 meters, and can be used when swimming. It also has custom swimming mode to track swim times. It promises up to 30 days of battery life with regular usage, and up to 10 days with intense use, or up to 45 days of standby time.