Motorola is not only launching new budget smartphone in India, but also headphones as well. Earlier this month the company launched Moto Earbuds Metal & Earbuds Sports headphone, and Verve Loop Sports Bluetooth in-ear headphones in the country. Today it has launched Pulse M Over-The-Ear Wired Headphone, that has a premium looks and is targeted at users who are looking for rich audio experience at a budget.
The Pulse M sports headband design with white leather and rose gold metal finish, and has over-ear cups for a comfortable audio experience. It has a detachable 3.5mm audio cable for easy storage that's 1.2m long. It has in-line microphone for hands-free calling as well as in-line remote to play/pause music and answer/end a call.
The headphones comes with an audio output of 96dB and is equipped with 40mm speaker driver with neodymium magnet to deliver strong bass and high quality sound.
The Pulse M has been priced at Rs. 2,999 and will be available in physical retail stores across the country and online stores in White/Gold and Black/Silver colors