Chinese ODM Topwise Communication has forayed into the crowded Indian market with its Comia range of smartphones. The company has launched three smartphone called C1, S1 and P1. All three phones run Android Nougat out of the box, sport metal body and supports dual-SIM, 4G and VoLTE. They are priced under Rs. 10,000.
The Comio C1 has features 5-inch HD display, 1.3Ghz quad-core MediaTek processor, 1GB RAM, 8MP rear camera, 5MP front camera, and 2200mAh battery. Interestingly it packs 32GB internal storage, and it is expandable via microSD card slot. The phone also comes with Hi-Fi music to deliver immersive sound experience. The Comio C1 has been priced at Rs. 5,999, and will be offered in Mellow Gold and Space Black.
The Comio S1 and P1 share some common specs like 5.2-inch HD display, 1.3GHz quad-core processor, 32GB of expandable storage, 13MP rear camera (w/ LED flash), 8MP front camera and fingerprint scanner.
Individually the Comio S1 packs 2GB RAM and 2700mAh battery. It is priced at Rs. 8,999 and will be available in Royal Black and Sunrise Gold colors.
The Comio P1 comes with 3GB RAM and packs a beefy 5000mAh battery, which is rated to deliver up to 24 hours of talk time and up to 30 days of standby time. It costs Rs. 9,999, and color options are Metal Grey and Sunrise Gold.
The Comio C1, S1 and P1 will be available through offline channel in North India in the coming week, and in West India from third week of September.
As part of launch offer, Comio phones buyer will get 5GB of additional data on recharge of Rs. 309 and above with Reliance Jio. Moreover, all three fones comes with one-time screen replacement warranty within six months of purchase, and one year + 100 days extra manufacturer warranty. There's also a special buyback and upgrade offer that allows you to get an assured 40 percent return on old Comio phone (not more than 12 months old), when upgrading to another smartphone from the Comio in the future.