After releasing the bezel-less Q6 smartphone, LG has launched yet another budget smartphone in India from its K line called K8. It has been priced at Rs. 9,999 [MRP: Rs. 11,000) and is available for purchase through offline stores in Blue and Gold color.
In terms of specifications, the LG K8 features 5-inch HD IPS display with 2.5D glass, and is powered by 1.4GHz quad-core Snapdragon 425 processor. It comes with 1.5GB RAM and 16GB internal storage, that's expandable via microSD card. It runs Android Nougat of the box.
For photography, it has 13MP auto-focus rear camera with LED flash, and 5MP front facing camera with Auto Shot. Connectivity options include dual-SIM slots, 4G, VoLTE, WiFi, NFC, Bluetooth and GPS. It is fueled by 2500mAh battery, and a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner rounds off the specs sheet.