For the last few weeks Motorola has been teasing the launch of Moto G5S Plus in India. And today the company has sent out invites for an event in New Delhi to launch the phone locally on August 29. Moreover, it will be exclusive to Amazon India, and a dedicated product page has gone live on the website. The phone is most likely to go on sale on August 29 itself.
The Moto G5S Plus is an upgraded version of Moto G5 Plus, and brings dual-camera system to the Moto G line. Also it gets a new design sporting an a large screen and all-metal unibody design, that's crafted from a single piece of high-grade aluminum instead of Moto G5 Plus' metal & plastic build. Apart from these upgrades, the rest of the specs sheet is same as Moto G5 Plus.
The dual-camera setup on Moto G5S Plus consists of two 13MP units (one color sensor, and the other black-and-white sensor). The dual-cameras offers features like capturing depth information for bokeh effect, background replacement, and make select part of photo black-and-white.
It comes with a bigger 5.5-inch Full HD display (vs. 5.2-inch Moto G5 Plus), Snapdragon 625 Mobile Platform, 8MP wide-angle selfie camera, 3000mAh battery w/ Turbo Charging, fingerprint scanner and NFC. It runs Android 7.1.1 Nougat, and has dedicated slots for dual-SIMs and microSD card slot.
The Moto G5S Plus comes in two variants: 3GB RAM/32GB storage and 4GB RAM/64GB storage (in Lunar Gray and Brushed Gold), and all are most likely to be launched in the country. In Europe, the Moto G5S Plus has been priced at 299 Euros (Rs. 26,000), but the India pricing could be around Rs. 23,000.