Samsung back in May introduced the S-Pen toting Notebook 9 Pro convertible featuring 7th generation Intel Core i7 processors. Now the South Korean tech giant is giving it an upgrade with a new model called Notebook 9 Pen with the just announced 8th generation Intel Core i7 Kaby Lake-R processor, which is 40 percent percent faster than the 7th generation.
Apart from the processor upgrade the rest of the configuration will remain unchanged. Just like NoteBook 9 Pro, the Notebook 9 Pen will be offered in 13.3-inch and 15-inch screen models and both include Full HD display and touchscreen panel. They will sport 360-degree rotatable hinge, which allows the device to be used in several modes like laptop, tablet, stand and tent.
The 13.3-inch packs on-board Intel UHD Graphics 620 and 8GB DDR4 RAM, while the 15-inch model has AMD Radeon 540 GPU with dedicated 2GB memory, and 16GB DDR4 RAM.
Both models will come with 256GB SSD, HD camera, 2 x USB 3.0 ports, a USB-C port, HDMI port, microSD card slot, WIFi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.1, fast charging support and 1.5W x 2 stereo speakers.
The built-in Stylus S-Pen comes with a 0.7mm tip that can detect more than 4,000 levels of pressure. It is also able to detect tilt for shading, and is compatible with Samsung's Air Command software, and Windows Ink functions.
The pricing has not been revealed, but Samsung says it will first roll out to home market of South Korea in September, followed by other markets as well.