After Delhi and Kolkata, Aircel has now launched new tariff plans for its customers in the Mumbai circle of denomination Rs. 78, Rs. 88, Rs. 178 and Rs. 199. The Rs. 78 and Rs. 178 plan is for existing customers, while the Rs. 88 and Rs. 199, is aimed at new customer joining Aircel's network.
Speaking about existing customers first, the Rs. 78 recharge plan offer 20 paise per minute local/STD calls for a period of one year.
The Rs. 199 recharge plan on the other hand offers, unlimited local & STD voice calls along with unlimited data for a period of 28 days. Even though the plan offers unlimited data, the usage is limited to super-slow 2G speed.
The Rs. 88 recharge pack is a promo offer for new customers and offers Rs. 70 talk time. It also offers unlimited 20 paise per minute local and STD calls for a year. In addition, the plan also gives 2GB of 2G data per month, which is limited to first six months only.
Lastly, the Rs. 178 plan for new customers offers free STD and local voice calls for a period of 28 days. Also for the same period, you get unlimited data as well, but the usage is limited to 2G speed.