Meizu launched a phone called Pro 7 featuring two displays earlier this year. The concept was not new but something different, when compared to the trending bezel-less phone. While most of Meizu's Chinese counterparts have come out with bezel-less phones, the company is yet to launch one.
However now it appears that the brand is ready to release a bezel-less phone. A leaked image of Meizu's upcoming smartphone allegedly called M6s has hit the interweb.
As you can see in the photo, the Meizu M6s has slim bezels on the sides and top and bottom, than a regular smartphone. And going by the trend this means the phone will have a large screen with 18:9 aspect ratio. As a result Meizu will be ditching mTouch home button/fingerprint sensor on the front.
Interestingly, Meizu is not placing the fingerprint scanner at the back. Instead the sensor will be housed in a dedicated physical button on the side frame, like Sony phones. However, the button dosen't double as a power button because there's a dedicated power button too, above the fingerprint sensor. A similar kind of setup is also found on Vernee Mars.
The Meizu M6s will be a budget phone similar to its sibling M6 and M6 Note, and is rumored to come with features like 5.7-inch Full HD+ display, MediaTek MT6793 processor, 3GB/4GB RAM, 32GB/64GB internal storage, 13MP/5MP rear and front cameras. It is expected to ship with Android Nougat based FlymeOS.
According to reports, the Meizu M6s will be unveiled at an event in China on December 20.