Google has pushed an update to its Maps app, that brings a new look with new color scheme and icons to make it easier for you to find venues and locations around you
Google Maps has also updated driving, navigation, transit and explore maps function to better highlight the information it believes is most relevant to the user at a given time. For instance, it will highlight petrol pumps during navigation or train stations and so on. The Maps app will also show places scheduled on the calendar as well as show the location of a confirmed reservations from Gmail.
The refreshed color schemes and new icons will make it easier for you to quickly identify the point of interest. Places like a cafe, church, museum or hospital will have a designated color and icon, so
that it’s easy to find that type of destination on the map.
For example, if you’re in a new neighborhood and searching for a coffee shop, you could open the map to find the nearest orange icon (which is the color for Food & Drink spots). Similarly, Shopping and Grocery are indicated by Blue color, Entertainment/Leisure in Aqua Green, Outdoor gets Green color and so on. You can check out the new color schemes below.
Google says the new changes will be rolled out over the next few weeks in all Google products that incorporate Google Maps, such as Assistant, Search, Earth and Android Auto. It will also appear in the apps, website and experiences offered by companies that use Google Maps APIs in the coming months.
For example, if you’re in a new neighborhood and searching for a coffee shop, you could open the map to find the nearest orange icon (which is the color for Food & Drink spots). Similarly, Shopping and Grocery are indicated by Blue color, Entertainment/Leisure in Aqua Green, Outdoor gets Green color and so on. You can check out the new color schemes below.
Google says the new changes will be rolled out over the next few weeks in all Google products that incorporate Google Maps, such as Assistant, Search, Earth and Android Auto. It will also appear in the apps, website and experiences offered by companies that use Google Maps APIs in the coming months.