The Oppo F5 arrived in India earlier this month in two RAM/storage variants: 4GB/32GB priced at Rs. 19,990 (Black and Gold colors), and 6GB/64GB priced at Rs. 24,990 (Black and Red color). Initially, the 4GB Oppo F5 went on sale in India a week later from the launch, and the 6GB RAM model was said to be released at a later date. Having said that Oppo has now announced the availability details.
The Black 6GB Oppo F5 will hit the market first, and will go on sale December 1 via Flipkart and offline stores for Rs. 24,990. Flipkart has already opened pre-orders.
As for the Red 6GB Oppo F5 model, it will be launched in partnership with Vogue, to mark the fashion brands 10th anniversary. It will also be available from Flipkart and offline stores, but on December 9. Also Oppo and Vogue have designed customized premium leather gift bags for the Oppo F5 6GB Red edition. The 6GB F5 model also costs Rs. 24,990.
Apart from color, RAM and storage, the rest of the specs sheet of 6GB Oppo F5 is same as the 4GB model.
The main highlight of the Oppo F5 is its selfie camera. It boasts 20MP f/2.0 front facing camera backed by AI Beautification technology, that can scan 200 facial recognition spots to offer bokeh effects and beautify the selfie shot. The main camera unit at the rear houses a 16MP f/1.8 sensor and is assisted by LED flash.
The Oppo F5 is also the company's first device to boast near bezel-less design and a display with 18:9 aspect ratio. It has a 6-inch screen with Full HD+ resolution and has Gorilla Glass 5 protection.
As for the other specs, the Oppo F5 features MediaTek Helio P23 processor, 6GB RAM, 64GB internal storage, 3200mAh battery, 4G VoLTE, dedicated slots for dual-SIM and microSD card, fingerprint scanner and face unlock system. It runs Android Nougat based ColorOS 3.2 out of the box.