Xiaomi on Thursday finally launched its Desh Ka Smartphone, the Redmi 5A. It is the company's most affordable offering till date for the Indian market priced at Rs. 4,999 for the base variant with 2GB RAM and 16GB internal storage.
However, to make the offer more enticing, Xiaomi has teamed up with Relaince Jio and announced a new offer called 'Better Together'.
Under the Better Together offer, Redmi 5A buyers will get additional Rs. 1,000 cashback, which brings the phone's effective price down to Rs. 3,999. But there's a catch.
Reliance Jio has introduced a new tariff plan of Rs. 199 exclusive for Redmi 5A users. The plan offers unlimited voice calls, unlimited SMS and 1GB of 4G data per day for 28 days.
So, for the customer to get the Rs. 1,000 cashback need to recharge the Rs. 199 plan every month continuously for 12 months. Sadly, the cashback is not given back in the form of money, instead customers will get 10 cashback vouchers of Rs. 100 denominations at the end of 12 months, given they have recharged with Rs. 199 plan every month till date.
To be eligible for the offer, the first recharge should be done between December 5, 2017, and November 30, 2018. The cashback vouchers will be credited to the customer's Jio account, and will be visible under My Vouchers section MyJio app. Also only one cashback vouceher can be redeemed at a time against the recharge of Rs. 309 or above packs or Rs. 201 data add on packs via My Jio app before November 2019.
Speaking of the Redmi 5A, the phone is a minor upgrade over Redmi 4A. It ships with 5-inch HD display, quad-core Snapdragon 425 chip, 3000mAh battery, 13MP/5MP camera and 3000mAh battery. It runs Android Nougat based MIUI 9 out of the box.
It's worth mentioning that, only the first five million units of the Redmi 5A 2GB/16GB model will cost Rs. 4,999, after that the price will start at Rs. 5,999. There's also 3GB/32GB model priced at Rs. 6,999. Sadly there's no fingerprint scanner.