Google is finally launching the Daydream View VR headset in India. Originally introduced in October last year, the world's first Daydream-ready virtual reality headset has been priced at Rs. 6,499 for the Indian market, and will be exclusively available on Flipkart in Slate color.
The Daydream View VR headset is made of soft, breathable fibre for comfort, and is designed to fit over eye-classes.
The headset's compatibility is limited to Daydream-ready phones. Only a few of them are available in India, including Google Pixel, Pixel 2, and Motorola's Moto Z. Samsung's Galaxy S8 and S8+ will also get the support soon. You can play VR-ready games and watch live event and contents from apps like YouTube VR, Netflix VR in 360-degree view.
It comes with a separate remote controller, which lets you interact with objects in virtual reality. It includes clickable touchpad, buttons, and sensors to detect movement.
The controller can be used to interact with games or apps like YouTube, Street View, Play Movies and Google Photos. The sensor's respond precisely to a user's movement or gesture, be it swinging like a bat, or waving like magic band. When the controller is not in use, you can slide it into the specially designed slot of the headset.
Google also announced launch offers. As an introductory offer, first 30 buyers will get a Google Chromecast worth Rs. 3000 for free, and the first 50 will get Rs. 500 worth Google Play store credit.