The Galaxy C9 Pro was Samsung's first smartphone to pack 6GB RAM. It was first released in China last year, and landed in India earlier this year in January, carrying a price tag of Rs. 36,990. Now the device has received a price cut of Rs. 5,000 and is available at Rs. 31,900.
Samsung is yet to make an official announcement of the price cut, if it's temporary or permanent. However, the price cut appears to be permanent, as it is reflected on Samsung's own online store, as well as Flipkart, where you can purchase Galaxy C9 Pro at the discounted price. It will be available with the option of Gold or Black color.
To recap the specs, the Galaxy C9 Pro features 6-inch Full HD AMOLED display, octa-core Snapdragon 653 processor, 6GB RAM, 64GB internal storage, 16MP f/1.9 front and rear camera, 4G LTE, NFC, USB Type-C, fingerprint scanner and 4000mAh battery.
It runs Android Marshmallow out of the box, and also has microSD card slot for storage expansion and dual-SIM slots.