You can now follow hashtags on Instagram

Instagram was reportedly testing follow hashtag feature on its platform. And now it has officially added the feature. 

According to Instagram millions of people share photos and videos and tag them with relevant hashtags, for instance #slime, #onethetable. The follow hashtag feature is said to make these posts more discoverable.

style="font-family: Times, "Times New Roman", serif;">Following a hashtag is just like following a friend's Instagram account. To get started search for a topic you're interested in or tap on a hashtag from any post. You'll see relevant hashtags displayed in your search results along with related accounts. When you find a hastag you like, open the hashtag page and tap on the follow button. Once done, you'll see top posts from the related hashtag in your feed and some of the latest stories in your stories bar. You can also unfollow a hashtag at any time.

To explore more hashtags, Instagram is also letting you check out the hashtags, other people follow in their profiles. In case you set your account to private, the hashtags you follow will only be visible to your followers.


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